25 Apr 2015
So, most days I work with a Chromebook, which I think is pretty cool. Unfortunately for expediency, what you are reading right now is a GitHub-hosted Jekyll blog, which means that I needed to setup Ruby and Jekyll and many other things on a machine. Basically, it meant that I needed to have a machine with local storage whenever I wanted to edit my blog...which doesn't work so well with my Chromebook.
Enter Koding, a cloud-based development platform (!). Check it:
Koding VMs, the little green box(es) on the sidebar, run Ubuntu Linux (14.04) and are
fully functional development machines (just like your own computer). You can write code
in any programming language that is supported by Ubuntu/Linux.
Ruby, perl, gcc, python, php, go, node, etc. are all preinstalled on your VM! You can
start writing code right away without the need for new installs! If something is not
installed, getting it installed is as easy as 1-2-3.
Pretty cool. In fact, I installed Jekyll on a virtual machine minutes ago and published this page in my Koding workspace.
25 Apr 2015

Noticing the lack of black heroines in the media, and the surplus amount of stereotypical characters, Stephane Metayer challenged himself to change the perception of black anime by mixing the characteristics of X-Men’s, Storm, and Metroid’s, Samus with a New York City backdrop.
Read more at afropunk.
20 Apr 2015
Man, I am so tired right now.

But I want to get this down before my eyes shut (sleep? pollen? hard to tell at this point). Let's do it.
money earnin'
book learnin'
- I took the train up to Rockville to visit the Thingstitute. Beacons, Raspberry Pi(es?), many, many cables. Lost a dongle or two. Totally worth it.
- Rope burns
- The CMI-5 spec. I've actually read the entire thing a few times now - rather useful, I think. Kind of makes me want to re-read the xAPI specification. You know, for laughs.
- Bootsnip - an element gallery for web designers and web developers, containing design elements, playground and code snippets for the Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS framework
- Jekyll has been great (it's brought me this site, at least), but I think Hugo may be my next conquest.
blunt burnin'
ok, it's after 0100 EDT on a Monday. I gotta be awake in a few. Catch you later.